Is Joseph A Foreshadow Of Jesus?

Saints, recently I have been conducting a comparative analysis between the lives of Joseph in the book of Genesis and Jesus, and I was astounded by the numerous similarities between them.

If you’re interested, you can find Joseph’s story in the book of Genesis chapter 37 and chapters 39 to 50.

I highly recommend reading these chapters to gain a more comprehensive understanding of Joseph’s life.

Through my research on the life of Joseph, I discovered that he is a type or a foreshadow of Jesus.

Joseph was despised by his brothers for no justifiable reason, similar to how the Jews hated Jesus and He remarked “they hated me without a cause.”

Furthermore, Joseph, who served as a prefigurement of Jesus, was plotted against by his own brothers who even intended to kill him.

Similarly, the brothers of Jesus (the Jews), conspired against Him and ultimately executed Him for no legitimate reason.

Joseph was thrown into a pit, which prefigured Jesus being cast into a pit as well.

Joseph was sold for twenty pieces of silver, while Jesus was betrayed by Judas for thirty pieces of silver. In addition, Joseph was betrayed by his brothers, just as Jesus was betrayed by His own brethren.

Similarly, Joseph’s brothers stripped him of his garment, while the Jews who were the brethren of Jesus stripped Him of His garment, leaving Him naked and hanging on the cross.

Joseph, like Jesus, was lifted out of the pit. As a prefigurement of Jesus, Joseph unjustly suffered for no wrongdoing of his own.

Additionally, both Joseph and Jesus were falsely accused and lied against.

Joseph endured his suffering like a lamb led to the slaughter, not defending himself but rather putting his trust in God.

Similarly, Jesus also endured His unjust treatment like a lamb led to the slaughter, without defending Himself but entrusting Himself to God.

The Lord God was with Joseph, showing him mercy and granting him favor before all who saw him. Similarly, Jesus was highly favored, full of grace and power.

Joseph and Jesus, both thrown into prison by false accusations, were tested and tempted in every way. However, while Joseph remained blameless and held on to God, Jesus was without sin.

As Joseph is considered a type of Jesus, their experiences in prison demonstrate the similarities in their trials and their unwavering faithfulness to God.

Joseph’s interpretation of the Butler’s dream in Genesis 41 proved to be prophetic. The Butler had been imprisoned with Joseph and dreamt that he would be restored to Pharaoh’s presence in three days, which Joseph interpreted.

As foretold by Joseph’s interpretation, the Butler was indeed restored to the king’s presence after three days.

This event bears a striking resemblance to the prophecy of Jesus’ death, descent into hell, and subsequent resurrection after three days, ultimately being seated at the right hand of God the Father.

It is prophetic foreshadowing of Jesus, who died and went to hell, that after three days He will be resurrected from the dead.

Both Joseph and Jesus demonstrated a steadfast commitment to putting God first in their lives.

When Pharaoh the King summoned Joseph out of the dungeon in haste, it foreshadowed Jesus’ descent into hell (the pit or prison) where God witnessed the anguish of His soul and was satisfied as He fulfilled the demands of justice.

The Holy Ghost descended from heaven to hell, resurrecting Jesus from the dead.

As a type of Jesus, Joseph’s marriage to an Egyptian Gentile wife serves as a foreshadowing of Jesus’ eventual union with His Gentile bride (the Church).

Joseph, as a foreshadowing of Jesus, was appointed as Lord over all Egypt. However, apart from the throne and the name, Pharaoh still held greater power. Similarly, God has granted Jesus authority over all things except in the name.

This was made evident when Jesus rose from the dead, conquered hell, death, and the grave, and was seated at the right hand of God the Father.

Just as Joseph’s release from prison was a turning point in his life, Jesus’ resurrection marked a pivotal moment in His journey as the ultimate ruler.

Joseph attained the position of a prince over Egypt when he turned thirty, and similarly, Jesus began His ministry at the same age.

Joseph’s forgiveness towards his brothers for their past mistreatment mirrors Jesus’ act of forgiving those who crucified Him, as demonstrated by His words on the cross.

Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.

Joseph, who prefigured Jesus, did not harbor anger towards his brothers despite their mistreatment of him, and ultimately forgave them.

Similarly, Jesus did not hold onto anger towards the Jews for their actions towards him, and also extended forgiveness.

Joseph said to them:

God sent me before you to preserve your lives.

God sent Jesus, who is the life-giving Spirit, into the world to provide eternal life to those who believe in and call upon Him.

Every story in the Bible serves a purpose in revealing Jesus in its own distinctive manner.

By dedicating sufficient time and effort, one can perceive Jesus throughout the Bible, from the book of Genesis to the book of Revelation.

It is highly recommended that you study the Bible with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

A Call To Salvation

If you do not have a relationship with Jesus, how can you seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit to help you comprehend the Bible’s teachings?

The Holy Spirit was sent to serve as a seal of our salvation. Have you received salvation? Have you been born again? If not, what is holding you back?

God loves you and desires to have a relationship with you. He has been pursuing you since before your birth or even your conception.

He takes pleasure in you and longs to hear your voice and your voice quickens His heartbeat.

Say this prayer out loud and mean it from your heart to receive Him as your Lord right now:

Lord Jesus, I am a sinner. Please come into my heart and cleanse of all my sin and iniquity.

I proclaim you as Lord over my life and I renounce satan and every unfruitful work of darkness, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Thank you Jesus, I love you Jesus.

Saints, request the Father to grant you the Holy Spirit and receive the gift of speaking in tongues as evidence.

Next, immerse yourself in the Scriptures and renew your mind. I recommend starting with the New Testament and setting aside time for prayer and fellowship with God.

Congratulations on your spiritual journey.

Always remember that God is not a brute, He is approachable and wants a relationship with you.

May God bless you and keep you, may God cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you, may God lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace, Amen.

Until next time, stay blessed and bask in God’s love and wonder.

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